Harry Potter 2011 Book Challenge

I read the first 3 books before the 1st movie was released... so this year I remedy that. I'm participating in Daemons Books Harry Potter Challenge.

Here are the rules:
Welcome to the first Daemon’s Books challenge, which is also the first 2011 challenge to start off the year. And since this year also marks the complete end of the Harry Potter series with the 8th and final movie coming out on July 15, we thought this was the perfect time to relive the entire series one more time to get ready for the final chapter.
So what does the challenge entail? Well, we will be reading books 1-7 (one book a month) and we encourage everyone to join us and participate. This will hopefully be a great opportunity for people who have already read the books to relive them with other people once agin. And for those who haven’t read them yet, well this is the perfect time to start.
But why should I participate, you might ask. Well in addition to monthly giveaways, we will have one BIG giveaway at the end of the challenge that you will not want to miss.
And to add to the excitement, Daemon’s Books is also partnering with its sister site, Daemon’s Movies, which will be hosting its own Harry Potter movie challenge in parallel. You can find all the information for the Daemon’s Movies Harry Potter challenge here. Feel free to participate in both challenges or just the one that appeals to you. I’ll of course be taking part in both.
So here are a few things you need to know about this Harry Potter challenge if you would like to participate:
The Books and Schedule:
1. January 1-31: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in the UK) (January 17)
2. February 1-28: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. March 1-31: Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban
4. April 1-30: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5. May 1-31: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
6. June 1-30: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
7. July 1 – August 31: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Note: The last book will be read over two months in case some people (me included) would like to see the final movie before re-reading the book.
How To Participate:
Each month:
Step 1: Read the assigned book for that month (see schedule above)
Step 2: Write a review or opinion piece about the book on either your blog or any of the following places:
Our designated comment section (see step 3)
Step 3: Starting February 1, 2011 and at the beginning of each subsequent month we will have a post up for you to share links to your reviews, opinion pieces or to write comments (designated comment section). This will count as proof of your participation.
Note: Each proof of participation will give you one entry into our final big and exciting giveaway. There will be only one entry per book (no multiple entries even if you put multiple links). That means that if you complete the challenge from beginning to end and provide us with proof of your participation for each book you will have 7 entries.

Read more: Harry Potter 2011 Book Challenge | Daemon's Books http://www.daemonsbooks.com/2010/12/14/harry-potter-2011-book-challenge/#ixzz19o0g6sKJ


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